DOC’s Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racism

The ACS Organic Chemistry Division (DOC) is committed to fighting racism and implicit bias. Racism, bias and hate have no place in the DOC, the ACS, in science, or anywhere. The ACS provides resources for Diversity, Inclusion and Respect. Anti-racism work requires sustained, proactive education and engagement as well as systemic, intentional efforts at micro- and macro-levels. A recent article entitled “Organic Chemistry: A Call to Action for Diversity and Inclusion” highlights some advice for how we as individuals and as a community can take action. Additionally, the DOC has Adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

ORGN Abstracts Since 2006
Thanks to members of the DOC Web team and the ACS Abstracts Support Team we are excited to announce that Division Members can now access ... [Read More]