Organic Division Funding Support for Regional Meetings

The Organic Division encourages members to attend ACS Regional meetings (Visit ACS’ regional meetings page to find information on times, locations, and registration for these important events). Therefore, the Division provides funding and programming support for organizing one organic chemistry-related symposium at up to eight (8) ACS Regional Meetings. Up to $2000 will be provided per symposium. In addition, some limited funding is available for support of a second symposium, also up to $2000. Two types of symposia are supported:

Cope Scholar Symposium. Organizers of Regional Meetings are offered the support of the Division to organize an organic chemistry-related symposium. One of the ten Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award recipients will be asked to serve as the keynote speaker (Cope Award Scholar to be selected by the Regional Meeting organizers). The remaining speakers in the symposium should complement the research focus of the keynote speaker; however, some flexibility is acceptable based on the needs of the Regional Meeting. The Organic Division will pay up to $2000 to cover verifiable expenses (travel, housing, registration, etc.) for the Cope Scholar symposium.

Organic Chemistry Related Symposium. Organizers of Regional Meetings are offered the support of the Division to organize an organic chemistry-related symposium. The Organic Division will pay up to $2000 to cover verifiable expenses (travel, housing, registration, etc.) for the symposium.

General Symposia Information

The purpose of DOC regional meeting support is to provide for speakers that the meeting cannot ordinarily attract due to lack of funds. For this reason, the Division generally does not support graduate or postdoctoral trainees. The Organic Division does not support general organic sessions. The Division of Organic Chemistry does not accept symposia with names of living persons in the title. Members interested in submitting an honorary symposium proposal are strongly urged to focus the title and presentations on the chemistry not the individual.

Requirements for all Symposia

The Executive Committee seeks proposals that span the interests, and fully reflect the diversity of the membership in the Division of Organic Chemistry. Therefore, selection of speakers should be balanced when considering gender, groups historically underrepresented in the profession, research area, employment sector, and career stage.

DOC Acknowledgment

DOC-sponsored symposia are a member benefit. Symposia receiving support from the ACS DOC are required to use this slide (as a powerpoint slide or PDF file at the beginning and end of their session. 

Submission Process

To be considered for support please provide the Regional Meeting Coordinator, listed below, with (a) the title of symposium and (b) a list of proposed speakers.

Franklin A. Davis
Department of Chemistry
Temple University
215.204.0477 (office)
215.204.0478 (fax)