The National Organic Chemistry Symposium (NOS) History
The National Organic Chemistry Symposium is the premier event sponsored by the ACS, Division of Organic Chemistry. The idea is to highlight recent advances in organic chemistry with a schedule that provides for open discussion of the science of organic chemistry. The NOS history is documented here to the best of our abilities.
The First National Symposium on Organic Chemistry was held in Rochester, N. Y., December 29 to 31, 1925, under the auspices of the Rochester Section and the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society.
Over the years, the Division has collected photos from the various events and maintained an academic family tree of Symposium Speakers. That information and a historical perceptive, published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry, are all available for those who would like to know more about the rich history of the NOS.
Academic Family Trees of the NOS Speakers
Pictures for the History of NOS
History of the NOS (Fenlon/Myers) J. Org. Chem. 2013
Members can access the article free here
Previous NOS Meetings
48th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
July 9-13, 2023, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN.
Symposium Executive Officers: Steven Silverman and Michelle Tran-Dubé
Committee Members: Olaf Wiest, Local Chair; Juan Del Valle, Local Chair; Katie Cybulski; Amber Kirk; Mari Garza; Annabel Ansel; Nicole Knight; Jacqui Hoffman; Tejas Shah; Ronald G. Brisbois; Richard Broene; Scott Sieburth; Edward E. Fenlon

- Carolyn R. Bertozzi (Roger Adams Awardee), Stanford University. “Bioorthogonal Chemistry, from Basic Science to Clinical Translation”
- Jason M. Stevens (OPR&D Outstanding Publication of the Year Award), Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen Research and Development, and Merck & Co. “Leveraging High-Throughput Experimentation to Drive Pharmaceutical Route Invention: A Four-Step Commercial Synthesis of Branebrutinib (BMS-986195)”
- Brandon Ashfield, University of Notre Dame. “The Black Rain of Strained Rings: Exploiting Ring Fragmentations in N-Heterocycle Construction”
- Connor Coley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Predictive Chemistry & Data-Driven Discovery”
- Janine Cossy, ESPCI Paris, France. “Natural Products: Opportunities to Develop Efficient Synthetic Methods”
- Tianning Diao, New York University. “Nickel-Mediated Radical Pathways and Applications to Organic Synthesis”
- Guangbin Dong, University of Chicago. “Merging C–C and C–H Activation: Palladium/Norbornene Cooperative Catalysis”
- Vy M. Dong, University of California, Irvine. “Choose Your Own Adventures in Metal-Hydride Catalysis”
- Annaliese Franz, University of California, Davis. “Chiral Silanes and Silanols in Enantioselective Catalysis”
- Gunda Georg, University of Minnesota. “The Male Pill: Are We there Yet?”
- Kami L. Hull, University of Texas at Austin. “Transition-Metal Catalyzed Alkene Functionalization”
- André Isaacs, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. “A Click Chemistry Approach to Nitrogen Heterocycles”
- Song Lin, Cornell University. “Amping Up Organic Synthesis Using Electrochemistry”
- Luis Martinez-Alsina, Pfizer, Groton, CT. “Combined Efforts Counts for Success: Synthesis of MC4R Antagonist PF-07258669”
- Alanna Schepartz, University of California, Berkeley. “Genetically Encoded Protein Editing, in vitro and in vivo”
- Ryan Shenvi, Scripps Research, La Jolla. “Natural Product Synthesis Through the Lens of Informatics”
- David Thaisrivongs, Process Research & Development, Merck & Co., Rahway, NJ. “The Largest Small Molecule: How Chemistry Enabled the Discovery and Development of PCSK9 Inhibitor MK-0616”
- F. Dean Toste, University of California, Berkeley. “Supramolecular Hosts as Enzyme Mimics”
- Barry Trost, Stanford University. “A Challenge for Total Synthesis of Bioactive Targets: Atom and Step Economy”
- Mary Watson, University of Delaware. “Deaminative Cross-Couplings”
Attendees: 406 Posters: 264
Download the Program for the 48th NOS (92 pages).
Event Photos (coming soon)
Lecture Videos (Division Members Only)
47th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 26-30, 2022, La Jolla, CA
Symposium Executive Officer: Angie Angeles
Committee Members: Emmanuel A. Theodorakis, local Chair; Mariel Cardenas; Melarie Cardenas; Carla Datanagan; Stefan G. Koenig, Katherine Maloney, Emily McLaughlin, Steve Silverman, and Michelle Tran-Dubé

- Kendall N. Houk (Roger Adams Awardee), University of California, Los Angeles. “Pericyclic Reactions – Theory, Mechanisms, Dynamics and Role in Biology”
- Frances H. Arnold (Keynote Speaker), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. “Innovation by Evolution: Bringing New Chemistry to Life”
- Benjamin List (Keynote Speaker), Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Müelheim an der Ruhr, Germany. “Strong and Confined Acids: Universal Catalysts for Selective Synthesis?”
- Jeffrey Aubé, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. “New Tools and Therapeutics for the Treatment of Tuberculosis”
- Emily P. Balskus, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. “Gut Reactions: Exploring the Amazing Chemistry of the Human Microbiome”
- Michelle C. Chang, University of California, Berkeley. “Synthetic Biology Approaches to New Chemistry”
- Mingji Dai, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. “Chemistry Innovation and Biological Discovery Through Natural Product Total Synthesis”
- Nicolai Cramer, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. “Chiral Cyclopentadienyl Ligands for Group 9 Metals Catalyzed Enantioselective C-H Functionalizations”
- Sabine Hadida, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. “Discovery of CFTR Modulators for the Treatment of Cystic Fibrosis”
- Seth B. Herzon, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. “Structure and Function of Colibactin”
- Masayuki Inoue, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan “Radical-Based Approach for Synthesis of Complex Natural Products”
- Lászó Kürti, Rice University, Houston, TX. “Exploiting the Versatile N-O Bond: Synthesis of Amines and N-Heterocycles”
- Jeremiah A. Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. “Deconstructing Macromolecules”
- Bradley S. Moore, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, San Diego, California. “Taking Inspiration from Nature to Empower the Way We Make Molecules”
- Javier Read de Alaniz, University of California, Santa Barbara. “Shining Light on Chemistry”
- Corinna S. Schindler, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. “New Cycloadditions of Imines and Carbonyls”
- Steven D. Townsend, Vanderbilt University. “Application of Named Reactions to Glycosylation and Building Block Synthesis”
- Seble H. Wagaw, Abbvie, North Chicago, IL. “The Chemical Evolution to a Highly Effective Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Treatment”
- Charles S. Yeung, Discovery Chemistry, Merck & Co., Inc., Boston, MA. “Disruptive Chemistry at Merck: Synthetic Innovations that Accelerate Drug Discovery via Academic/Industry Partnerships”
- Zhongxin Zhou, Gilead Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. “Key Process Developments in Nucleoside/Nucleotide Analogs for Antiviral Therapeutics”
Attendees: 814 Posters: 347
Download the Program for the 47th NOS (92 pages).
Event Photos
Lecture Videos (Division Members Only)
46th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 23-27, 2019, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Symposium Executive Officers: Lisa Marcaurelle and Paul Hanson
Sponsorship Coordinator: Angie Angeles
Committee Members: M. Kevin Brown, Silas Cook, Scott Bagley, Timothy D. White, Lamont Terrel, Rick Broene

- Stephen L. Buchwald (Roger Adams Awardee), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Palladium-Catalyzed Carbon-Heteroatom Bond-Forming Reactions for the Functionalization of Molecules Big and Small”
- David Williams, Indiana University. “Going Discovery Mode: The Quest for Inspiration, Ingenuity, and Innovation”
- Alison Narayan, University of Michigan (NOS Young Investigator). “Biocatalysis and complex molecule synthesis”
- Chris Vanderwal, University of California, Irvine. “Strategy-Driven Natural Product Synthesis”
- Martin Eastgate, Bristol-Myers Squibb. “Innovation in the Synthesis of Complex Pharmaceuticals”
- Elizabeth Swift, AbbVie (NOS Young Investigator). “Application of Photoisomerization for the Synthesis of Enantioenriched β-Aryloxyesters”
- L.-C. Campeau, Merck & Co.. “Adventures in Nucleoside Analog Total Synthesis and Other Reactions You Didn’t Know Where Difficult”
- Tim Jamison, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The Why, When, and How of Flow Chemistry”
- Huw Davies, Emory University. “Catalyst-Controlled C–H Functionalization”
- Cristina Nevado, University of Zürich. “Solving Mechanistic Puzzles in Metal-catalyzed Reactions”
- David Sarlah, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign (NOS Young Investigator). “Dearomative Functionalization Strategies and Synthesis of Anticancer Natural Products”
- Hosea Nelson, University of California, Los Angeles (NOS Young Investigator). “Twists and turns along the path of reactivity-driven methodology development”
- P. Andrew Evans, Queen’s University. “Stereoselective Construction of Challenging C-C Bonds: Total Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Agents”
- MariJean Eggen, Eli Lilly & Co. “Designed for Purpose in a Complex Discovery World”
- Jennifer Prescher, University of California, Irvine. “Chemical Probes to Spy on Cellular Communication”
- Katelyn Billings, GlaxoSmithKline (NOS Young Investigator). “Seeing DNA Encoded Library Technology in a New Light: Recent Advances in On-DNA Chemistry”
- Corey Stephenson, University of Michigan. “Photochemical Strategies for Complex Molecules”
- Carolyn Bertozzi, Stanford University. “Therapeutic Opportunities in Glycoscience”
- Kay Brummond, University of Pittsburgh. “A Synergistic Strategy for Achieving an Asymmetric Pauson–Khand Reaction of Allenyl Acetates Using Iterative Synthetic Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics”
- Hanna Wisniewska, Pfizer (NOS Young Investigator). “Tissue Specific Delivery of Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein for Liver Selective Gene Editing”
- Malika Jeffries-EL, Boston University. “Design and synthesis of organic electronic materials”
- Thomas Hoye, University of Minnesota. “Newer developments with the hexadehydro-Diels-Alder (HDDA) reaction”
Attendees: 603 Posters: 343
Download the Program for the 46th NOS (90 pages).
Event Photos
Lecture Videos (Division Members Only)
45th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 25-29, 2017, University of California, Davis.
Symposium Executive Officers: Kay Brummond and Matt McIntosh
Sponsorship Coordinator: Angie Angeles
Local Organizers: Dean Tantillo, Annaliese K. Franz
- Hisashi Yamamoto (Roger Adams Awardee), Chubu University. “Substrate Controlled Asymmetric Synthesis”
- Phil S. Baran, The Scripps Research Institute. “Translational Chemistry”
- Martin D. Burke, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. “The Natural Productome Project”
- Barry K. Carpenter, Cardiff University. “Beyond the Transition State: Dynamical Barriers to Reaction in the Gas Phase and in Solution.”
- Sheila S. David, University of California, Davis. “DNA Repair, Organic Chemistry and Cancer: It’s All About the Base”
- Margaret M. Faul, Amgen Inc. “Development of Omecamtiv Mecarbil, a Novel Cardiac Myosin Activator”
- Paul E. Floreancig, University of Pittsburgh. “Natural Product Synthesis as an Entry to New Method Development and Biological Studies”
- Marisa C. Kozlowski, University of Pennsylvania. “Oxygen Driven Fragment Coupling by Activation of C-H, N-H, and O-H Bonds”
- Jeffrey S. Moore, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Organic Chemistry at the Interface of Materials and Mechanics”
- Sarah E. Reisman, California Institute of Technology. “Necessity is the Mother of Invention: Natural Products and the Chemistry They Inspire”
- Shana J. Sturla, ETH Zürich. “Sensing DNA Alkylation with Synthetic Nucleotides”
- Uttam K. Tambar, Department of Biochemistry, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. “Stereoselective Functionalization of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons”
- Paul A. Wender, Stanford University. “Therapeutic Function through Synthesis-Informed Design: First-in-Kind Approaches to Hiv/Aids Eradication, Treating Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer Immunotherapy”
- Tehshik Yoon, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Stereocontrol in Photochemical Synthesis”
Attendees: ~500 Posters: 285
Download the Program for the 45th NOS (70 pages).
Event Photos
Lecture Videos (Division Members Only)
For more information on the 2017 NOS see: C&EN 2017, 95(30), 16-19.
44th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 28-July 2, 2015, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Symposium Executive Officer: Marisa Kozlowski
Co-Organizer: Kay Brummond
Local Organizers: Lyle Isaacs, Michael Doyle, Philip DeShong, Andrei Vedernikov, Lai-Xi Wang, Daniel Falvey, Herman Sintim
- Larry Overman (Roger Adams Awardee), University Calif., Irvine. “Construction of Quaternary Carbon Stereocenters: A Continuing Challenge”
- Eric Anslyn, University of Texas, Austin. “Supramolecular Methods for the Rapid Determination of Enantiomeric Excess”
- Jeffrey W. Bode, ETH Zürich. “Cross Coupling 2.0”
- Kuiling Ding, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry. “Cooperative Catalysis in Asymmetric Synthesis and CO 2 Transformation”
- Abigail Doyle, Princeton University. “New Ni-Catalyzed C(sp 3 ) Cross-Coupling Reactions”
- Matthew Gaunt, University of Cambridge. “Palladium catalyzed C-H Activation of Aliphatic Amines”
- Ken Houk, University of California, L.A. “Cycloadditions: Reactivity Models, Dynamics and Mechanisms”
- Kenichiro Itami, Nagoya University. “Materials- and Biology-Oriented C-H Activation”
- David MacMillan, Princeton University. “The Discovery and Invention of New Chemical Reactions Using Photoredox Catalysis”
- Anna Mapp, University of Michigan. “Targeting Conformationally Dynamic Proteins with Natural and Unnatural Products”
- Scott J. Miller, Yale University. “Searching for Selective Reactions on Complex Molecular Scaffolds”
- Gary A. Molander, University of Pennsylvania. “Single Electron Transfer Transmetalation – A Novel Mechanistic Paradigm for Cross-Coupling”
- Mohammad Movassaghi, MIT. “Complex Alkaloid Total Synthesis”
- Mark E. Ondari, The Dow Chemical Company. “Small Molecule Organic Light Emitting Diodes”
- Wendy Young, Genentech. “Discovery and Optimization of BTK Inhibitors”
Attendees: 560 Posters: 326
Download the Program for the 44th NOS (62 pages).
Event Photos
Lecture Videos (Division Members Only)
For more information on the 2015 NOS see: C&EN 2015 , 93(29) , 33-34.
43rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 23-27, 2013, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Symposium Executive Officer: Scott McN. Sieburth
Co-Organizer: Marisa Kozlowski
Local Organizers: Champak Chatterjee, Gojko Lalic, Paul Hopkins, Andrew Boydston, Forrest Michael
- David A. Evans (Roger Adams Awardee), Harvard University “The Enduring Challenge of Controlling Stereochemical Relationships”
- Erick M. Carreira, ETH Zürich. “Surprises and Discoveries with Human Derived Natural Products”
- Paul J. Coleman, Merck Research Laboratories. “Discovery of Suvorexant: A New Approach for the Treatment of Sleep Disorders”
- François Diederich, ETH Zürich. “Molecular Recognition in Chemical and Biological Systems: A Multidimensional Approach”
- Joanna S. Fowler, Brookhaven National Laboratory. “Radiotracer Chemistry and Imaging the Human Brain”
- Shana O. Kelley, University of Toronto. “Mitochondria-Specific Peptide Delivery Vehicles”
- Paul Knochel, Ludwig-Maximilian Universitát Muünchen. “Functionalized Organometallics in Organic Synthesis”
- Eiichi Nakamura, The University of Tokyo. “Single-molecule, Real-time Transmission Electron Microscope (SMRT-TEM) Imaging for Organic Chemistry”
- William R. Roush, Scripps Florida. “Synthesis of Chiral Allylboron and Enolborane Reagents via Enantioselective Allene and Acrylamide Hydroboration Reactions, and Applications to the Synthesis of Natural Products”
- Richmond Sarpong, University of California, Berkeley. “Strategies and Tactics Inspired by Complex Alkaloids”
- Lawrence T. Scott, Boston College. “Can Organic Chemists Deliver Structurally Uniform Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes by Custom Synthesis?”
- Hanadi F. Sleiman, McGill University. “DNA Cages and Nanotubes: Simple, DNA-Minimal Synthesis and Biological Properties”
- Peter Wipf, University of Pittsburgh. “Cycloadditions in Heterocycle and Alkaloid Synthesis”
- Jin-Quan Yu, The Scripps Research Institute. “Ligand-Accelerated C-H Activation Reactions: new synthetic disconnections”
Attendees: 636 Posters: 353
Download the Program for the 43nd NOS (114 pages).
Lecture Videos (Division Members Only)
For more information on the 2013 NOS see: C&EN 2013 , 91(30) , 31-33.
42nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 5-9, 2011, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
Symposium Executive Officer: William J. Greenlee
Local Organizers: Duane Burnett, Scott McN. Sieburth, Paul Reider, Abigail Doyle, Dorothea Fiedler, Raymond Cvetovich, Thuy Le, Bruce Burnham, Paul Chirik, Michael Clift, Abigail Doyle, Dorothea Fiedler, Jay Groves, Danielle Jacobs, Rob Knowles, David MacMillan, Tom Muir, Erik Sorensen, Jeff Van Humbeck
- Robert Grubbs (Roger Adams Awardee), California Institute of Technology. “Development of Olefin Metathesis Catalysts for the Synthesis of Large and Small Molecules”
- Joseph Armstrong, Merck Research Laboratories. “Innovation as the Driver of Green Chemistry Advances in the Pharmaceutical Industry”
- Carolyn Bertozzi, University of California, Berkeley. “Bioorthogonal Chemistries for Glycoprofiling and Beyond”
- Geoffrey Coates, Cornell University. “Bimetallic Catalysis: Design, Discovery, and Applications in Organic and Materials Chemistry”
- Benjamin Cravatt, The Scripps Research Institute. “Activity-Based Proteomics – Applications for Enzyme and Inhibitor Discovery”
- Vy Dong, University of Toronto. “A Few of My Favorite Rings: Catalysis Inspired by Lactones and Lactams”
- Dennis Dougherty, California Institute of Technology. “Chemistry on the Brain: Understanding the Nicotine Receptor”
- Dieter Enders, RWTH University, Aachen. “Asymmetric Organocatalysis: Methods and Applications”
- Amir Hoveyda, Boston College. “New Concepts, Catalysts and Methods for Efficient Z-Selective Olefin Metathesis Reactions”
- Michael Krische, University of Texas, Austin. “Formation of C-C Bonds via Catalytic Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation”
- Colin Nuckolls, Columbia University. “From Molecules to Materials”
- M. Christina White, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Emergence of Predictable Selectivity for Aliphatic C-H Oxidations”
- Anthony Wood, Pfizer. “Challenges and Opportunities for Medicinal Chemistry”
- Hisashi Yamamoto, University of Chicago. “Molecular Design of Acid Catalyst for Organic Synthesis – Rapid Synthesis of Polyketides”
Attendees: 685 Posters: 337
Download the Program for the 42nd NOS (103 pages).
41st National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 7-11, 2009, University of Colorado, Boulder
Symposium Executive Officer: Mukund P. Sibi
Local Organizers: Tarek Sammakia, Andrew Phillips, Virginia Schultz, Todd Eary, Eric Ferreira, John Josey, Alan Kenan, Andrei Kutateladze, Tom Rovis, Xiang Wang, Robert Williams, John Wood, Hubert Yin, Wei Zhang
- Andrew Streitwieser (Roger Adams Awardee), University of California, Berkeley. “Ab Initio Modeling of Organolithium Chemistry”
- Magid Abou-Gharbia, Temple University. “Strategies for the Discovery of Innovative Small Molecule Therapeutics”
- Phil Baran, Scripps Research Institute. “Case Studies in Chemoselective Synthesis”
- Dale Boger, Scripps Research Institute. “Vinblastine: Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies”
- Joseph DeSimone, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “Merging Advances in Soft Lithography with Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry to Address the Unmet Needs in Drug Delivery”
- Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology. “The Synthesis of Large and Small Molecules using Olefin Metathesis Catalysts”
- Tamio Hayashi, Kyoto University. “Recent Advances in Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Addition Reactions”
- Linda Hsieh-Wilson, California Institute of Technology. “Chemical Approaches to the Neurobiology of Carbohydrates”
- Eric Jacobsen, Harvard University. “Asymmetric Catalysis by Chiral Hydrogen-Bond Donors”
- Chad Mirkin, Northwestern University. “Programming Materials Synthesis with DNA: Applications in Biology and Medicine”
- Manfred Reetz, Max Planck Institute. “Directed Evolution of Enantioselective Enzymes as Catalysts in Organic Chemistry”
- Melanie Sanford, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. “Pd(II/IV) Catalyzed Reactions in Organic Synthesis”
- Kevan Shokat, University of California, San Francisco. “Chemical Genetic Analysis of PI3K-Akt-mTOR Signaling”
- Paul Wender, Stanford University. “Some Global Problems in Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine”
Attendees: 720 Posters: 400
Download the Program for the 41st NOS (91 pages).
40th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 3-7, 2007, Duke University
Symposium Executive Officer: P. Andrew Evans
Local Organizer: Ross A. Widenhoefer, Stephen L. Craig, Paul L. Feldman, Alan Miller
- Samuel J. Danishefsky (Roger Adams Awardee), Columbia University and The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute. “Applications of Total Synthesis to Problems of Biological Consequence”
- E. J. Corey, Harvard University. “Chiral Cations as Catalysts for Enantioselective Synthesis: Pathways and Applications”
- Scott E. Denmark, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Asymmetric Catalysis in Main Group Chemistry: A New Frontier?”
- Ben L. Feringa, University of Groningen. “The Art of Building Small; From Molecular Switches to Molecular Motors”
- Tohru Fukuyama, University of Tokyo. “Synthetic Studies on Nitrogen-Containing Natural Products”
- David R. Liu, Harvard University. “Synthesis and Discovery Enabled by Nucleic Acid-Templated Chemistry”
- Bruce Roth, Pfizer, GRD. “The Discovery and Development of Lipitor”
- Erik J. Sorensen, Princeton University. “Rapid Formation of Molecular Complexity in Natural Product Synthesis”
- J. Fraser Stoddart, University of California, Los Angeles. “Integrated Systems-Oriented Approach to Molecular Electronics”
- Brian M. Stoltz, California Institute of Technology. “Natural Products as a Driving Force for Discovery in Organic Chemistry”
- Joanne Stubbe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Radical Enzymes with Suicidal Tendencies: Lessons from Nature”
- F. Dean Toste, University of California, Berkeley. “Gold(I) Catalysts for Organic Synthesis: Development, Applications and Asymmetric Catalysis”
- Barry M. Trost, Stanford University. “Cycloadditions via TMM-PdL 2 Intermediates: New Strategies for Total Synthesis and Asymmetric Induction”
- Karen L. Wooley, Washington University in Saint Louis. “Application of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Concepts and Methodologies Toward the Construction of Nanoscopic Target Molecules”
Attendees: 912 Posters: 364
Download the Program for the 40th NOS (128 pages).
39th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 12-16, 2005, University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Symposium Executive Officer: Ahmed F. Abdel-Magid
Local Organizers: Jon Rainier, Janis Louie, Peter Beal, Illya Zharov, Matthew Sigman
- Jerrold Meinwald (Roger Adams Awardee), Cornell University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Natural Products: Death and Transfiguration of a Classical Discipline”
- Justin Du Bois, Stanford University. “C-H Oxidation Reactions as Enabling Methodologies for Organic Synthesis”
- Stephen Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Metal-catalyzed Carbon-Carbon and Carbon-Heteroatom Bond-Forming Processes: Progress, Applications and Mechanistic Studies”
- Reza Ghadiri, The Scripps Research Institute. “Self-Assembling Peptide Nanotubes: Design and Biological Applications”
- John T. Groves, Princeton University. “The Chemical Biology of Iron”
- Amos B. Smith III, University of Pennsylvania. “Evolution of a Gram-Scale Total Synthesis of the Antitumor Agent (+)-Spongistatin 1: Challenges, Excitement, and Frustrations”
- Steven Ley, Cambridge University. “Development of New Methods for Organic Synthesis”
- Bruce Maryanoff, Johnson & Johnson. “Structure-Based Drug Design Applied to Serine Protease Inhibitors”
- Jeff Moore, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Shape-Persistent Nanoscale Objects – Folded Oligomers and Other Well-Defined Molecular Architectures”
- K. C. Nicolaou, The Scripps Research Institute. “Perspectives in Total Synthesis”
- Alanna Schepartz, Yale University. “Miniature Proteins and Non-Proteins”
- Matt Sigman, University of Utah. “Design and Mechanistic Studies of Palladium-Catalyzed Oxidations for Organic Synthesis”
- Rich Tillyer, Merck. “Asymmetric Hydrogenation: A Standard Platform for Practical Drug Synthesis”
- Dan Yang, University of Hong Kong. “Catalytic Asymmetric Cyclization Reactions for Natural Product Synthesis”
Attendees: 1014 Posters: 440
Download the Program for the 39th NOS (121 pages).
38th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 8-12, 2003, Indiana University Bloomington
Symposium Executive Officer: Huw M. L. Davies
Local Organizers: Joseph J. Gajewski, P. Andrew Evans, Jeffrey N. Johnson, Richard J. Mullins, Michael J. Martinelli, Dawn A. Brooks, Mamie Cable, Stanley P. Kolis, Jay McGill, David Mitchell
- Albert Eschenmoser (Roger Adams Awardee), ETH, Zürich. “A Sentimental Journey: From the Biogenetic Isoprene Rule to the Chemical Etiology of Nucleic Acid Structure”
- Donna G. Blackmond, University of Hull, UK. “On the Origin of Asymmetric Amplification in the Autocatalytic Addition of Dialkylzincs to Pyrimidal Aldehydes”
- Ronald Breslow, Columbia University. “Recent Advances in Bioorganic Chemistry”
- Edward Delaney, Bristol Myers-Squibb. “Automation and the Changing Face of Process R & D in the Pharmaceutical Industry”
- David A. Evans, Harvard University. “Architectural & Dynamic Complexity in Organic Synthesis”
- Laura L. Kiessling, University of Wisconsin. “Chemical Approaches to Controlling Cell Surface Interactions”
- Eric T. Kool, Stanford University. “From Biomimetic Chemistry to Synthetic Biology: Mimicking the Molecules and Mechanisms of Nature”
- James L. Leighton, Columbia University. “Strained Silacycles: A Powerful Platform for Asymmetric and Tandem Reaction Design”
- David W. C. MacMillan, California Institute of Technology. “Enantioselective Organocatalysis: Broadly Useful Strategies for Enantioselective Synthesis Using Organic Catalysis”
- Larry E. Overman, University of California, Irvine. “New Methods for Enantioselective Synthesis of Complex Polycyclic Molecules”
- Peter G. Schultz, Scripps Research Institute. “New Opportunities at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology”
- Matthew D. Shair, Harvard University. “Using Lessons from Nature in Organic Synthesis”
- Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Polymer Electronics for Ultra-Sensitive Chemical and Biological Sensors”
- John L. Wood, Yale University. “Bridged Polycyclic Natural Products: Inspirational Targets for Total Synthesis”
Attendees: 1121 Posters: 460
Download the Program from for the 38th NOS (622 pages).
37th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 10-14, 2001, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
Symposium Executive Officer: Gary Molander
Local Organizer: Cynthia K. McClure
- Ryoji Noyori, (Roger Adams Awardee) Nagoya University. “Asymmetric hydrogenation via architectural and functional molecular engineering”
- Carolyn R. Bertozzi, University of California, Berkeley. “Chemistry and biology at the surfaces of cells”
- P. Andrew Evans, Indiana University. “New rhodium-catalyzed allylic substitution reactions: mechanistic insights and synthetic applications”
- Alois Fürstner, Max-Plank Inst. Für Kohlenforsschung. “Alkyne metathesis: a complementary and competitive tool”
- John Hartwig, Yale University. “Understanding and discovery of transition metal-catalyzed reactions”
- Carl R. Johnson, Wayne State University. “Using nature’s catalysts: The chemoenzymatic synthesis of bioactive molecules”
- Jeffery W. Kelly, The Scripps Research Institute. “Understanding and developing therapeutic diseases”
- Bruce H. Lipshutz, University of California, Santa Barbara. “New synthetic methods catalyzed by late transition metals”
- Jerrold Meinwald, Cornell University. “Desperately seeking semiochemicals”
- Josef Michl, University of Colorado at Boulder. “Making and using molecular rods and connectors”
- Ei-ichi Negishi, Purdue University. “Highly diastereoselective and/or Enantioselective methods for the syntheses of terpenoids and other related compounds via organometallic carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation catalyzed by Zr, Ti, Pd, Ni and other transition metals”
- Manfred Reetz, Max-Plank Inst. für Kohlenforsschung. “Evolution in the test tube as a means to create enantioselective enzymes”
- Peter Stang, University of Utah. “Nano molecular architecture: Design and self assembly of metallocyclic polygons and polyhedral via coordination”
- Gary Sulikowski, Texas A&M. “From biosynthesis to total synthesis: Lessons from natural producers”
Attendees: 990 Posters: 241
Download the Program for the 37th NOS (35 pages).
36th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 13-17, 1999, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Symposium Executive Officer: Steven D. Burke
Local Organizers: Jerald Mock, Heather Rhodes, Ruthi Duva, Glenn Heckard
- Dieter Seebach (Roger Adams Awardee), ETH, Zürich. “Excursions to the Chemistry of Polymers and Oligomers”
- Elias J. Corey, Harvard University. “Adventures in Enantioselective Synthesis”
- Sheila Dewitt, Orchid Biocomputer. “Synthesis in Chips”
- Gregory Fu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Asymmetric Catalysis with “Planar-Chiral” Heterocycles”
- Samuel Gellman, University of Wisconsin. “Heteropolymer Folding: Proteins and Beyond”
- Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology. “Ruthenium-Based Olefin Metathesis Catalysts”
- Ralph Hirschmann, University of Pennsylvania. “Peptide-Related Research: Its Genesis and Some Current Research”
- Chaitan Khosla, Stanford University. “Assembly Line Synthesis using Modular Enzymes”
- Jeffery Moore, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Folding Non-biological Oligomers into Barrel-Like Architectures”
- Gregory Petsko, Brandeis University. “The Catalytic Pathway of Cytochrome P450 at Atomic Resolution”
- Stuart Schreiber, Harvard University. “Challenges for Organic Synthesis in Forward & Reverse Chemical Genetic Research”
- Masakatsu Shibasaki, University of Tokyo. “Recent Progress in Multifunctional Asymmetric Catalysis”
- Daniel Singleton, Texas A&M. “Organic Reaction Mechanisms from Experimental Transition States”
Attendees: 900 Posters: 322
Download the Program for the 36th NOS (26 pages).
35th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 22-26, 1997, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas
Symposium Executive Officer: James H. Rigby
Local Organizers: Michael P. Doyle, Nancy S. Mills, B. F. Plummer and R. E. Lyle
- K. Barry Sharpless (Roger Adams Awardee), The Scripps Research Institute. “Catalytic Oxidation of Olefins”
- Jacqueline Barton, California Institute of Technology. “DNA-mediated Electron Transfer: Chemistry at a Distance”
- Maurice Brookhart, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. “Mechanistic and Synthetic Aspects of Olefin Polymerizations Catalyzed by Electrophilic Ni(II) and Pd(II) Complexes”
- Samuel Danishefsky, Columbia University. “Studies in the Synthesis of Complex Target Structures and Potential Biological Applications”
- Franklin Davis, Temple University. “Asymmetric Synthesis Using Sulfinimines (Thiooxime S-Oxides)”
- Jonathan Ellman, University of California, Berkeley. “Synthesis and Applications of Small Molecule Libraries”
- Albert Eschenmoser, ETH, Zürich and The Scripps Research Institute. “Chemistry of Pyranosyl-RNA”
- Albert I. Meyers, Colorado State University. “Asymmetric Routes to Natural Products”
- Ned Porter, Duke University. “Control of Stereochemistry in Free Radical Reactions”
- Paul Reider, Merck. “New Therapies for AIDS-The Asymmetric Synthesis of CRIXIVAN”
- Jeffrey I. Seeman, Philip Morris. “The Human Side of Organic Chemistry. A Photographic Portrait of our Motivations, Our Aspirations and Our Heroes”
- W. Clark Still, Columbia University. “Progress in the Synthesis of Artificial Antibody Binding Sites”
- Chi Huey Wong, The Scripps Research Institute. “Chemo-enzymatic Approach to Carbohydrate Recognition”
Attendees: 939 Posters: 349
Download the Program for the 35th NOS (pages 1-4).
34th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 11-15, 1995 The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
Symposium Executive Officer: Thomas R. Hoye
Local Organizers: Christopher J. Abelt, Robert W. Jeffrey, Jr., William J. Tian
- Barry M. Trost (Roger Adams Awardee), Stanford University. “Designing Catalytic Active Sites/or Molecular Recognition in a Synthetic Reaction”
- Dale Boger, Scripps. “Azadiene Diels-Alder Reactions: Scope and Applications”
- Stephen L. Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Some New Developments in Transition Metal Promoted Chemistry”
- David A. Evans, Harvard University. “Studies in Asymmetric Catalysis”
- Marye Anne Fox, University of Texas, Austin. “Photoresponsive Solids and Surfaces”
- Eric Jacobsen, Harvard University. “Asymmetric Catalysis Using Readily Accessible Coordination Compounds”
- William L. Jorgensen, Yale University. “Molecular Recognition in Organic & Biochemical Systems”
- Mathew S. Platz, Ohio State University. “Photochemical Inactivation of Viruses in Human-Platelet Concentrates”
- John D. Roberts, California Institute of Technology. “An Organic Chemistry Retrospective”
- Alanna Schepartz, Yale University. “A Chemical Perspective on Transcriptional Activation”
- Ichiro Shinkai, Merck. “Development of Practical Asymmetric Synthesis”
- Amos B. Smith III, University of Pennsylvania. “Design and Synthesis of Nonpeptide Peptidomimetics”
- J. Fraser Stoddart, University of Birmingham. “Self-Assembly in Organic Synthesis”
Attendees: 1033 Posters: 289
Download the Program for the 34th NOS (7 pages).
33rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 13-17, 1993, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana
Symposium Executive Officer: Amos B. Smith, III
Local Organizers: W. Jennings, A. Craig, Melanie J. Stocks, Carol Carpenter, Darcy Van Beek, Lori Gibson, Amy McCubbin, Kathy Kohlbeck, Sue Edgmond, Chris Hallock, Devon Baker, Bill Brown
- Elias J. Corey (Roger Adams Awardee), Harvard University. “Studies on enantioselective synthesis”
- Cynthia J. Burrows, SUNY Stony Brook. “Oxidation of hydrocarbons and DNA using nickel catalysts”
- Louis Hegedus, Colorado State University. “Synthesis of amino acids and peptides using photolytic reactions of chromium carbine complexes”
- Yoshito Kishi, Harvard University. “Natural product chemistry: palytoxin”
- Jean-Marie Lehn, Université Louis Pasteur. “Perspectives in supramolecular chemistry: from molecular recognition towards self-organization”
- Andrew G. Myers, California Institute of Technology. “Mechanistic and synthetic studies of the enediyne antibiotics”
- Larry E. Overman, University of California, Irvine. “Charge as a key component in the design of new cyclization reactions”
- Stuart L. Schreiber, Harvard University. “Cell cycle signaling pathways sensitive to immunophilin-ligand complexes”
- Donald A. Tomalia, Michigan Molecular Institute. “Starburst™/Cascade Dendrimers: Fundamental building blocks for a new nanoscopic chemistry set”
- Christopher T. Walsh, Harvard Medical School. “Studies on the molecular mechanism for vacomycin resistance in enterococcus faecium BM4147″
- James D. White, Oregon State University. “Total synthesis of macrolide antibiotics. A route to rutamycin B”
- Fred Wudl, University of California, Santa Barbara. “Synthesis and determination of exotic properties of the methanofullerenes and fulleroids: periconjugation and quasi shift reagent effects”
Attendees: n/a Posters: 272
Download the Program for the 33rd NOS (34 pages).
32nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 16-20, 1991, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Symposium Executive Officer: Frank B. Mallory
Local Organizers: Paul Gassman, Thomas Hoye, Scott Rychnovsky, Lona Jean Turner, Debra A. Dykhuis
- Gilbert J. Stork (Roger Adams Awardee), Columbia University. “Problems and Progress in Regio- and Stereocontrol: The Temporary Silicon Connection”
- Dennis P. Curran, University of Pittsburgh. “Radical Reactions in Organic Synthesis”
- Peter B. Dervan, California Institute of Technology. “Sequence Specific Recognition of Double Helical DNA “
- Dennis A. Dougherty, California Institute of Technology. “Spin Control in Organic Molecules and Materials: Toward an Organic Ferromagnet?”
- Philip E. Eaton, University of Chicago. “Cubanes: Starting Materials for the 1990s and the New Century”
- Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology. “Polymer Synthesis through Organometallic Intermediates”
- Kendall N. Houk, University of California, Los Angeles. “Theoretical Characterizations of Transition States of Organic Reactions “
- Jerrold Meinwald, Cornell University. “Organic Chemistry of Everyday Insect Life: Violence, Sex, and Drugs”
- Dieter Seebach, ETH, Zürich. “( R )-Polyhydroxybutyrate in the Hands of a Synthetic Organic Chemist”
- K. Barry Sharpless, The Scripps Research Institute. “Recent Advances in Asymmetric Catalysis “
- Paul A. Wender, Stanford University. “DNA Cleaving Agents: Synthetic, Mechanistic, and Computer Modeling Studies”
Attendees: 903 Posters: 158
Download the Program for the 32nd NOS (5 pages).
31st National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 18-22, 1989 in Ithaca, NY
Symposium Executive Officer: Stephen F. Martin
Local Organizers: Jon Clardy, Bruce Ganem, John Terry, Heinz Koch, Earl Peters, Beth Ganem, and Mary Rachun
- George A. Olah (Roger Adams Awardee), University of Southern California. “From Structural-Mechanistic Studies to Synthetic Reactions in Hypercarbon Chemistry”
- Robert G. Bergman, University of California, Berkeley. “Transformations of Organic Compounds Mediated by Organotransition Metal Complexes”
- E. J. Corey, Harvard University. “New Methods and Reagents for Enantioselective Synthesis”
- Scott E. Denmark, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Studies on the Origin of Stereocontrol in Additions to Aldehydes and Acetals”
- Clayton H. Heathcock, University of California, Berkeley. ” Daphniphyllum Alkaloids: Biomimetic Chemical Synthesis or Chemomimetic Biosynthesis”
- Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University. “Hypothetical Allotropes of Carbon”
- Philip D. Magnus, Indiana University. “Synthesis of Diynene Antitumor Agents and α-Helical Peptide Mimics”
- Julius Rebek, Jr., University of Pittsburgh / MIT. “Molecular Recognition in Synthetic and Bio-organic Chemistry”
- W. Clark Still, Columbia University. “Synthesis of Novel Host Molecules”
- Peter G. Schultz, University of California, Berkeley. “Catalytic Antibodies”
- George M. Whitesides, Harvard University. “The Physical-Organic Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces: Self-Assembled Monolayer Films”
Attendees: 900 Posters: n/a
Download the Program for the 31st NOS (5 pages).
30th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 21-25, 1987 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Symposium Executive Officer: Paul A. Bartlett
Local Organizers: Larry Weiler, Jim Kutney, Ilse Holling, John Scheffer, Don McGreer, Monica Deutsch, Guy Dutton, Gordon Bates, Dick Pincock
- Jerome A. Berson (Roger Adams Awardee), Yale University. “Structure, Spin, and Reactivity of Pi-Conjugated Non-Kekulé Molecules”
- Ronald Breslow, Columbia University. “Mimics of Functionalizing Enzymes”
- Samuel Danishefsky, Yale University. “Synthesis and Natural Products”
- David Dolphin, University of British Columbia. “Synthetic Heme Protein Active Sites”
- Paul G. Gassman, University of Minnesota. “Use of ESCA (XPS) in the Characterization of Stable and Transient Metal Complexes”
- Peter Lansbury, (sub for E. T. Kaiser) Rockefeller University. “Design of Biologically Active Peptides and Proteins from Hormones to Enzymes”
- Jeremy R. Knowles, Harvard University. “Evolution of Enzyme Function”
- K. C. Nicolaou, University of Pennsylvania. “New Synthetic Technology and Total Synthesis of Natural Products”
- C. Dale Poulter, University of Utah. “Biosynthetic Tactics: Construction of Carbon-Carbon Bonds in the Isoprenoid Pathway”
- Stuart L. Schreiber, Yale University. “Chemistry Relevant to Several Compounds of Biological Interest”
- Gilbert Stork, Columbia University. “Radical Cyclizations in Natural Products Synthesis”
Attendees: n/a Posters: First Year for Posters
Download the Program for the 30th NOS (18 pages).
29th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 16-20, 1985 in Newark, DE
Symposium Executive Officer: Peter J. Stang
Local Organizers: Douglass F. Taber (Chair), Fred J. Brown, B. E. Smart
- Donald J. Cram (Roger Adams Awardee), University of California, Los Angeles. “Molecular Cells, Their Guests, Portals, and Behavior”
- Paul A. Bartlett, University of California, Berkeley. “Organic Synthesis: Applications to Natural Products and Bioorganic Chemistry”
- Charles P. Casey, University of Wisconsin. “Hydrocarbation”
- Charles H. DePuy, University of Colorado at Boulder. “Chemistry of Anions in the Gas Phase”
- Peter B. Dervan, California Institute of Technology. “Molecular Recognition of DNA by Small Molecules”
- David A. Evans, Harvard University. “Studies in Asymmetric Synthesis”
- Marye Anne Fox, University of Texas, Austin. “Chemical Control: Combining Photochemistry with Electrochemistry”
- Larry E. Overman, University of California, Irvine. “Sigmatropic Rearrangements in Heterocyclic Synthesis”
- John K. Stille, Colorado State University. “Carbon-Carbon Coupling Reactions Catalyzed by Palladium”
- Chris T. Walsh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Naturally-Occurring Deazaflavin Coenzymes: Structure and Function”
- James D. White, Oregon State University. “Synthetic Studies of Boron-Containing Macrolides”
Download the Program for the 29th NOS (30 pages).
28th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 19-23, 1983 in Bozeman, MT
Symposium Executive Officer: Philip Eaton
Local Organizers: A. C. Craig, E.H. Abbott, J. H. Cardellina, K. Emerson, R. D. Geer, P. W. Jennings, P. D. Mundy
- Alan Battersby (Roger Adams Awardee), Cambridge University. “Vitamin B12”
- Joseph F. Bunnett, University of California, Santa Cruz. “Chemical Events During Mixing of Solvated Electrons with Organic Halogen Compounds”
- Bert Fraser-Reid, Duke University. “Carbohydrate Derivatives in the Asymmetrical Synthesis of Natural Products”
- Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology. “Organic and Inorganic Chemistry of (C 5 H 5 ) 2 Ti=CH 2 “
- Harold Hart, Michigan State University. “Synthesis of Novel Unnatural Products”
- Albert Padwa, Emory University. “Strain, Reactivity, and Microcycles”
- Gary B. Schuster, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Chemical Properties of Short-Lived Reactive Organic Intermediates”
- K. Barry Sharpless, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Recent Advances in Asymmetric Synthesis”
- Amos B. Smith III, University of Pennsylvania. “Synthetic Studies in the Milbemycin-Avermectin Area: A New Generation of Insecticides”
- Paul A. Wender, Stanford University. “Recent Advances in Arene Olefin Photocycloadditions”
- Kenneth B. Wiberg, Yale University. “Inverted Tetrahedral Geometries”
Download the Program for the 28th NOS (29 pages).
Invitation Letter to the 1983 NOS
27th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 21-25, 1981 in Nashville, TN
Symposium Executive Officer: Leon Mandell
Local Organizing Committee Chair: Howard E. Smith
- Nelson J. Leonard (Roger Adams Awardee), University of Illinois. “Organic Synthesis: Bio-functional Interactions.”
- Orville L. Chapman, University of California, Los Angeles. “Organic Chemistry Beyond Van’t Hoff and LeBel”
- Stephen Hanessian, University of Montreal. “Strategies in Natural Product Synthesis from Carbohydrates”
- Clayton H. Heathcock, University of California, Berkeley. “Applications of Stereoselective Alcohol Condensations in the Total Synthesis of Natural Products”
- Kendall N. Houk, University of Pittsburgh. “Molecular Orbital Theory of Organic Reactivity and Selectivity”
- Herbert O. House, Georgia Institute of Technology. “Molecules with Distorted Double Bonds”
- Andrew S. Kende, University of Rochester. “New Tactics in Carbocyclic Synthesis”
- James C. (JC) Martin, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Coordination Chemistry of Nonmetallic Elements-Pentavalent Carbon and Related Species”
- Leo. Paquette, The Ohio State University. “The Dodecahedrane Story”
- W. Clark Still, Columbia University. “New Methods for the Synthesis of Natural Products”
- Barry M. Trost, University of Wisconsin. “New Aspects for Selectivity in Organic Synthesis”
Download the Program for the 27th NOS (29 pages).
26th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 24-28, 1979 in Tucson, AZ
Symposium Executive Officer: Carl R. Johnson
Local Organizers: Robert B. Bates, Judith Brown
- Melvin S. Newman (Roger Adams Awardee), Ohio State University. “Patterns of Research: Carcinogenic Activity of Benz[a]anthracenes”
- Fred G. Bordwell, Northwestern University. “Equilibrium and Rates in Dipolar Nonhydroxylic Solvents”
- Ronald Breslow, Columbia University. “Studies on Enzyme Models”
- Hector F. DeLuca, University of Wisconsin. “Vitamin D Endocrine System”
- Paul A. Grieco, University of Pittsburgh. “Bicyclo[2.2.1]heptanes as Building Blocks in Natural Products Total Synthesis”
- Robert E. Ireland, California Institute of Technology. “Total Synthesis of Macrolide Antibiotics”
- Donald M. Jerina, National Institutes of Health. “Chemical Predictions of Carcinogenicity for Polycyclic Hydrocarbons-the Bay Region Theory”
- Jarrold Meinwald, Cornell University. “Organic Chemical Defense and Communication Mechanisms in Nature”
- Henry Rapoport, University of California, Berkeley. “Chirally Specific Natural Products Synthesis”
- Milan R. Uskokovic, Hoffmann-La Roche. “Regio- and Stereoselectivity of Nitrone to Olefin Cycloadditions”
- K. Peter C. Vollhardt, University of California, Berkeley. “Cobalt Way to Estrone”
Download the Program for the 26th NOS (29 pages).
25th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 19-23, 1977 in Morgantown, WV
Symposium Executive Officer: J. C. Martin
Local Organizers W. R. Moore (Chair), G. B. Fodor, D. W. H. MacDowell, C. G. McCarty, C. W. Muth, A. Winston
- William S. Johnson (Roger Adams Awardee), Stanford University. “The Evolution of Synthetic Strategy and the Cortisone Problem”
- John I. Brauman, Stanford University. “Nucleophilicities and Kinetic Basicities in the Gas Phase”
- Donald J. Cram, University of California, Los Angeles. “Complexation of Ground and Transition States”
- Samuel Danishefsky, University of Pittsburgh. “New Strategies for Stereospecific Synthesis”
- David A. Evans, California Institute of Technology. “New Concepts in the Catalysis of Sigmatropic Rearrangements”
- Maitland Jones Jr., Princeton University. “Gas-Phase Reactions of Carbenes”
- Yoshito Kishi, Harvard University. “Synthetic Studies in the Field of Natural Products Chemistry”
- Albert I. Meyers, Colorado State University. “Asymmetric Syntheses via Chiral Lithium Reagents”
- Martin F. Semmelhack, Cornell University. “Arene-Metal Complexes in Organic Synthesis”
- K. Barry Sharpless, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Atom Transfer Oxidations of Olefins”
- Robert B. Woodward, Harvard University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Natural Products”
Download the Program for the 25th NOS (29 pages).
24th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 22-26, 1975 in Fort Collins, CO
Symposium Executive Officer: C. David Gutsche
Local Organizers: A. I. Meyers, K. E. DeBruin, L. S. Hegedus, L. I. Miller, F. R. Stermitz
- Rolf Huisgen (Roger Adams Awardee), University of Munich. “Electrocyclic Ring Opening Reactions of Ethylene Oxides”
- Jack Edward Baldwin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Oxidation of Peptides Related to the β-Lactam Antibiotics”
- Allen J. Bard, University of Texas, Austin. “Organic Electrochemistry”
- Robert G. Bergman, California Institute of Technology. “Thermal and Cobalt-Catalyzed Transformation of Organic Compounds”
- James P. Collman, Stanford University. “Synthetic Models for the Oxygen Binding Hemoproteins”
- E. J. Corey, Harvard University. “Synthetic Routes to Prostaglandins”
- Pierre Deslongchamps, University of Sherbrooke. “Stereoelectronic Control in the Cleavage of the Tetrahedral Intermediate in the Hydrolysis of Amides”
- Ernest L. Eliel, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. “25 Years of Conformational Analysis”
- Carl R. Johnson, Wayne State University. “New Synthetic Methods Involving Sulfur Reagents”
- Jeremy R. Knowles, Harvard University. “Energetics of Enzyme Catalysis; Evolution to Perfection?”
- Angelo A. Lamola, Bell Laboratories. “Molecular Mechanisms in a Human Photosensitivity Disease”
- Robert V. Stevens, Rice University. “Studies on the Synthesis of Corrins and Related Ligands and an Approach to the Total Synthesis of Vitamin B12”
- Nicholas J. Turro, Columbia University. “Chemiluminescent Organic Reactions”
Download the Program for the 24th NOS (34 pages).
23rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 17-21, 1973 in Tallahassee, FL
Symposium Executive Officer: N. J. Turro
Local Organizers: Jack Saltiel (Chair), John E. Leffler, M. Schwartz, DeLos F. DeTar, H. Walborsky, R. Dougherty, Werner Herz
- Georg Wittig (Roger Adams Awardee), University of Heidelberg, Professor Emeritus. “From Diyls over Ylids to My Idyll”
- Paul D. Bartlett, Texas Christian University. “The Resolution of Mechanisms in Cycloaddition”
- Orville L. Chapman, Iowa State University. “Photochemical Studies at Low Temperature”
- Michael J. S. Dewar, University of Texas, Austin. “Molecular Orbital Theory as a Chemical Tool”
- William S. Johnson, Stanford University. “Some Recent Developments in Nonenzyme Biogenetic-like Olefin Cyclizations”
- Jay Kochi, Indiana University. “Organocopper, Silver, and Gold Species in Catalytic Oxidation and Reduction Processes”
- James C. (JC) Martin, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Organic Chemistry of Sulfuranes, Sulfurane Oxides and Related Hypervalent Species”
- Gilbert Stork, Columbia University. “New Organic Synthetic Methods”
- Edward C. Taylor, Princeton University. “Thallium in Organic Synthesis”
- Barry Trost, University of Wisconsin. “Innovations in Organic Synthesis”
- George M. Whitesides, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Studies in Organometallic Chemistry”
Download the Program for the 23rd NOS (30 pages).
22nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 13-17, 1971 in Ann Arbor, MI
Symposium Executive Officer: Peter A. S. Smith
Local Organizers: P. A. S. Smith, M.M. Green, R. C. Elderfield, P. W. LeQuesne, J. Groves, J.R. Wiseman, A. Ashe, J. P. Marino, S. N. Ege, M. M. Martin
- Herbert C. Brown (Roger Adams Awardee), Purdue University. “Boranes in Organic Chemistry”
- Duilio Arigoni, ETH, Zürich. “Biosynthesis”
- Jerome A. Berson, Yale University. “Stereochemical and Mechanistic Studies of Molecular Rearrangements”
- Paul G. Gassman, Ohio State University. “The Nitrenium Ion-A New Reactive Intermediate”
- Nelson J. Leonard, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Chemistry of Cytokinins”
- James A. Marshall, Northwestern University. “Carbocyclic Synthesis”
- Kurt Mislow, Princeton University. “Pyramidal Inversion”
- Koji Nakanishi, Columbia University. “Structural and Synthetic Studies on a Few Y Bases from Phenylalanine t-RNA”
- Leo A. Paquette, Ohio State University. “Catalysis of Strained σ-Bond Rearrangements by Silver(l) Ion”
- Paul R. Story, University of Georgia. “The Synthesis of Macrocyclic Compounds”
- Robert West, University of Wisconsin. “Cyclic Conjugated Chlorocarbons and Their Quinoid Derivatives”
Download the Program for the 22nd NOS (27 pages).
21st National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 15-19, 1969 in Salt Lake City, UT
Symposium Executive Officer: Jerome A. Berson
Local Organizers: P. D. Gardner (chairman), E. L. Allred, W. G. Bentrude, W. W. Epstein
- Vladimir Prelog (Roger Adams Awardee), ETH, Zürich. “Problems in Chemical Topology”
- Fred Bordwell, (sub for Meinwald) Northwestern University. “(unknown but assumed to be Physical Organic)”
- Ronald Breslow, Columbia University. “Recent Studies on Conjugated Systems”
- Herbert C. Brown, Purdue University. “The Versatile Organoboranes”
- Donald J. Cram, University of California, Los Angeles. “Invisible and Revealed Reactions”
- W. von E. Doering, Harvard University. “Stereochemistry of the 1,3-Sigmatropic Rearrangement of Methylenecyclobutane”
- Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University. “Stereochemistry of Cycloadditions”
- George A. Olah, Case Western Reserve University. “Study of Carbonium Ions and New Aspects of Ionic Organic Chemistry in the Superacidity Range”
- A. I. Scott, Yale University. “Synthesis and Biosynthesis of Indole Alkaloids”
- Philip S. Skell, Pennsylvania State University. “Low-Temperature Chemistry of High-Temperature Intermediates”
- Saul Winstein, University of California, Los Angeles. “Neighboring Groups and Nonclassical Ions”
Download the Program for the 21st NOS (29 pages).
20th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 18-22, 1967 in Burlington, VT
Symposium Executive Officer: F. G. Bordwell
Local Organizers: W. N. White, A. P. Krapcho, M. E. Kuehne, J. H. Waters, G. C. Crooks, T. B. Flanagan, C. A. Wulff, R. C. Woodworth, D. C. Gregg, M. H. Gianni
- John D. Roberts (Roger Adams Awardee), Caltech. “Some Problems Relating to the Calculation of Steric Effects in Simple Molecules”
- Frank A. L. Anet, University of California, Los Angeles. “Conformational and Valency Isomerism in Eight-Membered Rings”
- O. L. Chapman, Iowa State University. “Photocycloaddition Processes”
- Gerhard Closs, University of Chicago. “Mechanisms of Carbenoid Reactions”
- George S. Hammond, California Institute of Technology. “The Life and Times of an Excited Molecule”
- Herbert O. House, Georgia Institute of Technology. “A Study of Some Reactions of Organomagnesium Compounds”
- Willam P. Jencks, Brandeis University. “Acetoacetyl CoA: Succinate Coenzyme A transferase”
- E. Thomas Kaiser, University of Chicago. “Enzyme Chemistry of Highly Reactive Cyclic Esters”
- Rowland Pettit, University of Texas, Austin. “The Chemistry of Cyclobutadiene-Iron Carbonyl Complexes”
- Paul Von R. Schleyer, Princeton University. “Structure and Reactivity in Carbonium Ion Reactions”
- Howard E. Simmons, DuPont. “Macrobicyclic Amines”
- Robert B. Woodward, Harvard University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Natural Products”
Download the Program for the 20th NOS (27 pages).
19th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 13-17, 1965 in Tempe, AZ
Symposium Executive Officer: Howard E. Zimmerman
Local Organizers: Myron L. Caspar, William J. Burke, Morton E. Munk, Gordon D. Perrine, Edward E. Burgoyne, Allan L. Bieber, Richard J. Guillory, Jay Bishop, George U. Yuen; Theodore Brown
- Arther C. Cope (Roger Adams Awardee), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Resolution and Properties of trans -Cyclic Olefins: Transition Metal Complexes with Organic Compounds”
- George Büchi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “A Topic in Natural Products Chemistry”
- Joseph F. Bunnett, Brown University. “Reaction of o-Halophenyl Anions”
- E. J. Corey, Harvard University. “New Methods for the Construction of Complex Molecules”
- William G. Dauben, University of California, Berkeley. “Some Aspects of the Photochemistry of Conjugated Dienes”
- Werner Herz, Florida State University. “Stereochemistry of the Pseudoguaianolides”
- Hans Muxfeldt, University of Wisconsin. “Total Syntheses of Tetracycline Antibiotics”
- John D. Roberts, California Institute of Technology. “Studies of Conformational Equilibration”
- Martin Stiles, University of Michigan. “Reactions of Benzyne and Benzyne-Adducts”
- Gilbert Stork, Columbia University. “Progress in Synthetic Organic Chemistry”
- Harry H. Wasserman, Yale University. “The Oxidation of Heterocyclic Systems by Molecular Oxygen”
- Kenneth B. Wiberg, Yale University. “Substituted Bicyclobutonium and Relation Ions”
Download the Program for the 19th NOS (18 pages).
18th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 16-20, 1963 in Columbus, OH
Symposium Executive Officer: Kennith B. Wiberg
Local Organizers: A. L. Henne (Chair), W. N. White, R. A. Finnegan; F. C. Croxton; S. Wetzel; W. T. Lippincott; K. W. Greenlee; M. S. Newman; M. L. Wolfrom
- Paul D. Bartlett (Roger Adams Awardee), Harvard University. “‘Biradical’ Intermediates”
- Jerome A. Berson, U of Southern California / U of Wisconsin. “Some Recent Aspects of Molecular Rearrangements”
- Donald J. Cram, University of California, Los Angeles. “Carbanions”
- Stanley J. Cristol, University of Colorado at Boulder. “Reactions and Rearrangements of Dibenzobicyclooctadienes”
- Charles H. DePuy, Iowa State University. “Synthesis and Rearrangement of Cyclopropanols”
- Jack Hine, Georgia Institute of Technology. “Double Bond-No Bond Resonance”
- Jerrold Meinwald, Cornell University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Strained Bicyclic Systems”
- Kurt Mislow, New York University. “New Directions in Conformational Analysis”
- Eugene E. van Tamelen, Stanford University. “Recent Developments in Synthetic Organic Chemistry”
- Frank H. Westheimer, Harvard University. “Some Aspects of the Chemistry of Phosphate Esters”
- Bernhard Witkop, National Institutes of Health. “Some Recent Studies on Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins”
- Peter Yates, University of Toronto. “Chemistry of α-Di-azoketones”
Download the Program for the 18th NOS (20 pages).
17th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 25-29, 1961 in Bloomington, IN
Symposium Executive Officers: E. Campaigne and V. J. Shiner, Jr
Local Organizers: H. G. Day, W. Meyer, J. Thoma, C. E. Kaslow, W. H. Nebergall, Jean Campaigne, Jonna Dickey, Valeta Kaslow, Reva Shiner, C. Austin
- Robert. B. Woodward (Roger Adams Awardee), Harvard University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Natural Products”
- Ronald Breslow, Columbia University. “The Stability of Some Cyclic Conjugated Ions”
- DeLos F. DeTar, Florida State University. “Diacyl Peroxides”
- Michael J. S. Dewar, University of Chicago. “Heteroaromatic Boron Chemistry”
- George S. Hammond, California Institute of Technology. “Organic Chemistry of Triplet States”
- William S. Johnson, Stanford University. “Stereochemical Factors in the Angular Alkylation of Fused Ring Ketones”
- Nelson J. Leonard, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Ethylenimonium Compounds-Synthesis and Chemistry”
- Kenneth L. Rinehart, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Antibiotic Structural Studies”
- Glen A. Russell, Iowa State University. “Autoxidation in Basic Media”
- John C. Sheehan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Amide Reactions”
- William E. Truce, Purdue University. “Stereoselective Syntheses of Vinylic Sulfides”
- Ernest Wenkert, Iowa State University. “Current Chemical Studies on Organic Natural Products”
- Howard E. Zimmerman, University of Wisconsin. “A Mechanistic Approach to Organic Photochemistry”
Download the Program for the 17th NOS (21 pages).
16th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 15-17, 1959 in Seattle, WA
Symposium Executive Officer: S. J. Cristol
Local Organizers: K.B. Wiberg, A. G. Anderson, S. G. Powell, H. J. Dauben, Jr., W. C. McCarthy, W. M. Schubert, A. C. Huitric, G. H. Stout, R. M. Way
- Derek H. R. Barton (1st Roger Adams Awardee), Imperial College, London / Karl Folkers Visiting Professor at the Universities of Illinois and Wisconsin. “Photochemical Rearrangements”
- Paul D. Bartlett, Harvard University. “The Oxygen-Oxygen Bond”
- Alfred T. Blomquist, Cornell University. “The Cyclobutadiene Problem”
- Virgil Boekelheide, University of Rochester. “Aromatic Character in Polycyclic Molecules”
- George Büchi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The Structure of Ulein”
- E. J. Corey, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Mechanism of Oxidation of Ketones by Selenium Dioxide”
- William Von E. Doering, Yale University. “A Few Nonbenzenoid Aromatic Hydrocarbons.”
- Melvin S. Newman, Ohio State University. “Reactions of Phenols with Polychlorinated Compounds and Chemistry of the Resulting Products”
- John D. Roberts, California Institute of Technology. “Rearrangement Reactions of Small-Ring Compounds”
- Gilbert Stork, Columbia University. “Enamines as Synthetic Tools”
- Andrew Streitwieser, Jr., University of California, Berkeley. “Base Catalyzed Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange in Hydrocarbons”
- Cheves Walling, Columbia University. “Recent Developments in Free Radical Chemistry”
- Kenneth B. Wiberg, University of Washington. “The Mechanisms of Some Chromic Acid Oxidations”
Download the Program for the 16th NOS (107 pages).
15th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 17-20, 1957 in Rochester, NY
Symposium Executive Officer: Arnold Weissberger
Local Organizers: J. R. Thirtle; R. W. Helmkamp; R. E. Wing; V. Boekelheide; D. S. Tarbell; W. H. Saunders; E. M. Crane; D. D. Reynolds; J. W. Gates, Jr.
- Herbert C. Brown, Purdue University. “A Quantitative Approach to Aromatic Substitution”
- Donald J. Cram, University of California, Los Angeles. “Problems in Large Ring Chemistry”
- David Y. Curtin, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Certain Aspects of the Chemistry of Cyclohexadienones”
- William G. Dauben, University of California, Berkeley. “Ultraviolet Light Induced Transformations in Alicyclic Compounds”
- Carl Djerassi, Wayne State University. “Application of Optical Rotatory Dispersion Studies to Structural and Stereochemical Problems in Organic Chemistry”
- Charles R. Hauser, Duke University. “The Ortho Substitution Rearrangement and Related Reactions”
- William E. Parham, University of Minnesota. “Heterocyclic Compounds of Sulfur”
- Charles C. Price, University of Pennsylvania. “Conformation and Configuration of Polymer Chains”
- Robert W. Taft, Jr., Pennsylvania State University. “Polar Substituent Constants and Some Application”
- Eugene E. van Tamelen, University of Wisconsin. “Total Synthesis of Lupin Alkaloids”
- Saul Winstein, University of California, Los Angeles. “Neighboring Carbon and Hydrogen in Some Carbonium Ion Reactions”
- Robert B. Woodward, Harvard University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Natural Products”
Download the Program for the 15th NOS (18 pages).
14th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 13-16, 1955 in Lafayette, IN
Symposium Executive Officer: George B. Bachman
Local Organizers: E. T. McBee, William E. Truce, Nathan Kornblum, R. A. Benkeser, Herbert C. Brown, C. W. Roberts
- Roger Adams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Reminiscences”
- John C. Bailar, Jr., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Stereochemistry of Some Replacement Reactions in Inorganic Complexes”
- Melvin Calvin, University of California. “The Photosynthetic Carbon Cycle”
- Arthur C. Cope, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Medium-sized Ring Compounds”
- E. J. Corey, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Structure of Friedelin”
- Stanley J. Cristol, University of Colorado. “Stereospecific and Nonstereospecific Elimination Reactions”
- George S. Hammond, Iowa State College. “Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Free Radicals in Solution”
- William S. Johnson, University of Wisconsin. “Steroid Total Synthesis Studies”
- Nelson J. Leonard, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Transannular Nitrogen-Carbonyl Interactions”
- John D. Roberts, California Institute of Technology. “New Small Ring Compounds”
- Gilbert Stork, Columbia University. “Stereospecific Syntheses”
- Vincent Du Vigneaud, Cornell University Medical College. “Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary Gland: Oxytocin and Vasopressin”
- Frank H. Westheimer, Harvard University. “Mechanism of Chromic Acid Oxidation of Alcohols”
Download the Program for the 14th NOS (20 pages).
13th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 15-18, 1953 in Ann Arbor, MI
Symposium Executive Officer: Robert C. Elderfield
Local Organizers: Peter A. S. Smith, Wyman R. Vaughan, Christian S. Rondestvedt, Jr. Leigh C. Anderson, Joseph O. Halford
- Donald J. Cram, University of California, Los Angeles. “Studies of Asymmetric Induction in the Syntheses of Acyclic Systems”
- David Y. Curtin, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Cis Effect”
- William von E. Doering, Yale University. “The Chemistry of Tropolones and Related Substances”
- Hermann O. L. Fischer, University of California. “Reminiscences of Chemistry on Two Continents”
- Marshall Gates, University of Rochester. “The Synthesis of Morphine”
- Melvin S. Newman, Ohio State University. “Some Aspects of the Chemistry of Acetylenes”
- Carl G. Niemann, California Institute of Technology. “The Scope and Mode of Action of α-Chymotrypsin”
- Emil Schlittler, Ciba Pharmaceutical Products. “Rauwolfia Alkaloids”
- John C. Sheehan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Synthetic Approaches to the Penicillin Structure”
- William Shive, University of Texas. “Growth Factors”
- G. Gardner Swain, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Nucleophilicity and Electrophilicity”
- Max Tishler, Merck. “Selected Topics from Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Steroids”
- Robert B. Woodward, Harvard University. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Natural Products”
Attendees: 900
Download the Program for the 13th NOS (7 pages).
12th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 11-15, 1951, Denver, CO
Symposium Executive Officer: E. W. D. Huffman
Local Organizers: Stanley J. Cristol, Daniel E. Richardson, L. C. Atchison
- Paul D. Bartlett, Harvard University. “Recent Developments in Carbonium Ion Theory”
- Herbert C. Brown, Purdue University. “Steric Stains”
- Marvin Carmack, University of Pennsylvania. “The Organic Chemistry of Some Compounds Containing Multi-Sulfur Functions”
- Arthur C. Cope, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Substituted Cyclooctatetraenes”
- Vincent du Vigneaud, Cornell University Medical Colleg. “Studies on the Pressor and Oxytocic Hormones of the Posterior Pituitary”
- Robert C. Elderfield, Columbia University. “Reaction of o-Phenylenediamine Derivatives with Carbonyl Compounds, and Related Reactions”
- Louis F. Fieser, Harvard University. “Oxidation of Steroids”
- Charles. D. Hurd, Northwestern University. “High Temperature Syntheses of Polycyclic Hydrocarbons”
- Nelson. J. Leonard, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Clemmensen Reduction-Rearrangement”
- John D. Roberts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Properties and Reactions of Some Cyclopropyl and Cyclobutyl Derivatives”
- Wilbert H. Urry, University of Chicago. “Structural Influences in the Reactions of Free Radicals in Solution”
- William. G. Young, University of California, Los Angeles. “Displacement Reactions in Allylic Systems”
Download the Program for the 12th NOS (19 pages).
11th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 20-22, 1949 in Madison, WI
Symposium Executive Officer: S. M. McElvain and Homer Adkins
Local Organizers: A. L. Wilds, B. F. Aycock, Jr., W. S. Johnson, M. W. Klein
- Homer Adkins, University of Wisconsin. “Catalysis of Hydroformylation and Other Reactions”
- James Cason, University of California. “Branched-Chain Fatty Acids”
- Lyman C. Craig, Rockefeller Institute. “Extraction”
- Karl Folkers, Merck. “Some Aspects of Streptomycin Research”
- Theodore A. Geissman, University of California, Los Angeles. “Metal Complexes”
- Morris S. Kharasch, University of Chicago. “Recent Advances in the Chemistry of Free Radicals”
- Frank R. Mayo, U. S. Rubber Co. “Polymerization and Free Radicals”
- Ralph L. Shriner, State University of Iowa. “Heterocyclic Carbonium Salts”
- Frank H. Westheimer, University of Chicago. “The Mechanism of the Mercuration of Benzene”
- Saul Winstein, University of California, Los Angeles. “Neighboring Group Participation in Some Chemical Reactions”
- Melville L. Wolfrom, Ohio State. “Configurational Relationships and Configurational Standards”
- Robert B. Woodward, Harvard University. “The Structure of Strychnine “
Attendees: 1009
Download the Program for the 11th NOS (18 pages).
10th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
June 11-14, 1947, Harvard University
Honorary Chairmen: James B. Conant
General Committee: Paul Bartlett, A. C. Cope, Walter J. Gensler, Warren C. Lothrop, John C. Sheehan
Local Organizers: Walter J. Gensler, Warren C. Lothrop, and John C. Sheehan
- Richard T. Arnold, University of Minnesota. “The Stereochemistry of Five- and Six-Membered Rings”
- Paul. D. Bartlett, Harvard University. “Recent Studies in Steric Effects”
- Herman A. Bruson, Resinous Products & Chemical Company, Philadelphia. “Chemistry of Cylopentadiene Polymers and Adducts”
- Herbert E. Carter, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Chemistry of the Sphingolipids”
- James B. Conant, Harvard University. “Symposium dinner speaker; (title unknown)”
- Arthur C. Cope, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Synthesis of Unsaturated and Bridged Eight-Membered Ring Compounds”
- Louis F. Fieser, Harvard University. “Naphthoquinones”
- William S. Johnson, University of Wisconsin. “The Stobbe Condensation and the Synthesis of Fused Ring Systems”
- Melvin S. Newman, Ohio State University. “The Behavior of Organic Compounds in Sulfuric Acid Solution”
- Charles C. Price, University of Notre Dame. “Influence of Substituents on Polarity in the Benzene Ring”
- Harold R. Snyder, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Alkylation of Amines and Amine Derivatives”
- Chester M. Suter, Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute, Rensselaer, New York. “Some Sulfur-Containing Amines”
- Alfred L. Wilds, University of Wisconsin. “The Synthesis of Some Compounds Related to the Female Sex Hormones”
Attendees: n/a
Download the Program for the 10th NOS (19 pages).
For more information on the 10th NOS see: Science 1947, 105 (2736), 594-598.
9th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 29-31, 1941 in Ann Arbor, MI
Honorary Chairman: M. Gomberg
Local Organizing Committee: W. E. Bachmann (Chariman), C. S. Schoepfle, F. F. Blicke, J. O. Halford, J. M. Chemerda, E. C. Horning, L. C. Anderson
- Homer Adkins, University of Wisconsin. “The Transfer of Hydrogen from Saturated to Unsaturated Compounds”
- Werner E. Bachmann, University of Michigan. “Syntheses in the Field of Sex Horomones”
- Leslie G. S. Brooker, Eastman Kodak Company. “Absorption and Resonance in Dyes”
- Nathan L. Drake, University of Maryland. “The Chemistry of Certain Substances Related to Cork”
- Karl Folkers, Merck and Company. “The Chemistry of Vitamin B6”
- Moses Gomberg, University of Michigan. “Symposium dinner speaker; (title unknown)”
- Charles R. Hauser, Duke University. “Some Recent Advances in the Carbon-carbon Condensations of Active Hydrogen Compounds”
- Morris S. Kharasch, University of Chicago. “The Significance of Chain Reactions in Theory and Practice”
- Carl S. Marvel, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Effect of Substituents on the Dissociation of Hexaphenylethane”
- Samuel M. McElvain, University of Wisconsin. “Ketene Acetals”
- Ralph L. Shriner, Indiana University. “The Structure of Flavylium Salts and Anthocyanidins”
- Frank C. Whitmore, Pennsylvania State College. “Dehydration, Polymerization, and Depolymerization in Simple Aliphatic Compounds”
- Roger J. Williams, University of Texas. “Organic ‘Growth Substances’ “
Attendees: 488
Download the Program for the 9th NOS (8 pages).
8th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 28-30, 1939 in St. Louis, MO
General Committee: J. H. Gardner (Chairman); L. P. Kyrides, V. H. Wallingford, T. R. Ball, A. E. Goldstein, A. E. Huff, C. N. Jordan, R. L. Jenkins, J. M. Church, M. A. Thorpe
- Roger Adams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Cannabidiol, A Product Isolated from the Marihuana Extract of Minnesota Wild Hemp”
- Carl R. AddinaII, Merck and Company. “Chemotherapy of Sulfanilamide and Related Compounds”
- Albert Harold Blatt, Queens College. “The Physical and Chemical Effects of Hydrogen Bonding”
- Frederick F. Blicke, University of Michigan. “Antispasmodics-Chemical Structure and Physiological Action”
- Arthur C. Cope, Bryn Mawr College. “The Introduction of Substituted Vinyl Groups in Malonic Ester and Related Compounds.”
- Edward A. Doisy, St. Louis University School of Medicine. “Vitamin K: Assay, Isolation, Constitution and Synthetic Compounds”
- Louis F. Fieser, Harvard University. “Synthesis and Properties of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons.”
- Henry Gilman, Iowa State College. “Metalation and Related Interconversion Reactions”
- John R. Johnson, Cornell University. “Some Aspects of the Stereochemistry of Nitrogen”
- Walter M. Lauer, University of Minnesota. “The Acylation of Acetoacetic Ester and Related Compounds”
- Reginald P. Linstead, Harvard University. “Recent Developments in the Chemistry of Macrocyclic Pigments”
- Rudolf Schoenheimer, Columbia University. “Chemical Reactions of Constituents of Normal Animals Studied With Isotopes”
- Lee Irvin Smith, University of Minnesota. “The Chemistry of Vitamin E”
- William G. Young, University of California at Los Angeles. ” Cis-Trans Isomers and the Problem of Restricted Rotation About Single Bonds”
Attendees: 468
Download the Program for the 8th NOS (5 pages).
7th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 28-30, 1937 in Richmond, VA
Symposium Executive Officer: W. Catesby Jones
General Committee: Sidney S. Negus; Lyndon F. Small; Rodney C. Berry; James W. Schofield; L. W. Himmler; A. I. Whitenfish; Thomas Garber; Page Hudson; Foley F. Smith
- Roger Adams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Structure of Gossypol”
- Werner E. Bachmann, University of Michigan. “Pentaarylethanes”
- Paul D. Bartlett, Harvard University. “The Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement”
- Max Bergmann, Rockefeller Institute. “Protein Structure in Relation to Biological Problems”
- Ralph A. Connor, University of Pennsylvania. “The Michael Condensation”
- Wm. Lloyd Evans, Ohio State University. “The Behavior of Carbohydrates in Alkaline Solution”
- Henry B. Hass, Purdue University. “Syntheses from Natural Gas Hydrocarbons”
- Albert Leon Henne, Midgley Foundation. “Aliphatic Fluorides”
- Charles D. Hurd, Northwestern University. “Pyrolysis of Ethers and Esters”
- Samuel M. McElvain, University of Wisconsin. “Novel Reactions of Certain Types of Esters with Sodium Alkoxides”
- Erich Mosettig, University of Virginia. “Studies in the Synthesis of Compounds with Narcotic and Analgesic Action”
- Avery A. Morton, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Organosodium Reagents in the Wurtz Reaction”
- Carl R. Noller, Stanford University. “Chemistry of the Saponins”
- Alfred Russell, Rohm & Haas. “Natural Tannins”
- Lee Irvin Smith, University of Minnesota. “The Reactions between Metallic Enolates and Substituted Quinones”
- Robert R. Williams, Bell Telephone Research Laboratories. “Chemistry of Thiamin”
In addition to the talks given above, a special session entitled “Symposium on the Application of Micro and Semimicro Methods to Organic Research” was organized and/or monitored by Alsoph H. Corwin, Chairman; Lyman C. Craig; Walter R. Kirner. Speakers included:
- “The Teaching of Small Scale Technique to Freshmen:” David Harker and D. V. Sickman
- “Micro Qualital!ive Elementary Analysis.” H. K. Alber
- “Micro Analytical Technique as an Aid to the OrganicChemist.” W. R. Kirner
- “The Micro Determination of Carbon and Hydrogen.” Alsoph H. Corwin
- “Micro Distillation Apparatus and Technique.” Lyman C. Craig
- “Chromatographic Methods in the Small Scale Purification of Organic Compounds.” Nathan L. Drake
Attendees: 466
For more information on the 7th NOS see:
Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. 1938 , 16(1) , 23-24.
Download the Program for the 7th NOS (22 pages).
6th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 30, 1935 to January 1, 1936 in Rochester, NY
Symposium Executive Officer: Erle M. Billings
Local Organizers: V. J. Chambers, W. W. Hartman, S. W. Davidson, R. W. Helmkamp, T. F. Murray, Harold Crouch, Frank Kalb, C. J. Staub, G. A. Lux, Edwin Wiig
- Homer Adkins, University of Wisconsin. “The Reactions of Hydrogen with Organic Nitrogen Compounds”
- Marston T. Bogert, Columbia University. “Recent Advances in Our knowledge of the Carotenoids”
- Benjamin T. Brooks, consulting chemist, New York City. “New Evidence for the Low Temperature History of Petroleum”
- Wallace H. Carothers, Du Pont & Co. “Many-Membered Rings”
- James B. Conant, Harvard University. “The Heats of Hydrogenation of Unsaturated Compounds”
- Louis F. Fieser, Harvard University. “The Synthesis of Phenanthrene Derivatives Related to Natural Products”
- Henry Gilman, Iowa State College. “Relative Reactivities of Organo-Metallic Compounds”
- Arthur J. Hill, Yale University. “Syntheses and Chemical Properties of Orthoesters”
- John R. Johnson, Cornell University. “Organic Derivatives of Boron”
- Morris S. Kharasch, University of Chicago. “The Chemistry of the Ethylene Bond”
- C. Frederick Koelsch, University of Minnesota. “The Chemistry and Tautomerism of Some Indene Derivatives”
- Carl S. Marvel, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Polysulfones from Sulfur Dioxide and Olefins”
- Lyndon F. Small, University of Virginia. “Some Recent Advances in the Alkaloid Field”
- Vincent du Vigneaud, George Washington University School of Medicine. “The Hormones Challenging the Organic Chemist”
- George H. Whipple, University of Rochester Medical School. “Problems in Anemia”
- Melville L. Wolfrom, Ohio State University. “Acyclic Sugar Structures”
Attendees: 447
For more information on the 6th NOS see: Science 1935, 82 (2130), 383-384 and
Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. , 1936 , 14, (1) , 2-3.
5th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 28-30, 1933 in Ithaca, NY
Symposium Executive Officer: John R. Johnson
Local Organizers: Melvin L. Nichols, Ralph C. Tallman, R. A. Conner, Harold R. Snyder, Marcus G. Van Campen, Jr., J. H. Bryant, Milton T. Bush, L. C. Davy, Tom L. Jacobs
- Rudolph J. Anderson, Yale University. “The Composition of Bacterian Lipids”
- Werner E. Bachmann, University of Michigan. “The Rearrangement of Aromatic Pinacola”
- Wilder D. Bancroft, Cornell University. “Phase Rule Study of Proteins”
- Cecil E. Boord, Ohio State University. “The Synthesis and Physical Properties of the Olefins in Relation to Their Structures”
- Edgar C. Britton, Dow Chemical Company. “The Hydrolysis of Aromatic Halogen Compounds”
- Leslie G. S. Brooker, Eastman Kodak Company. “Sensitising Dyes and Their Use in Photography”
- Hans Clarke, Columbia University. “Certain Aspects of the Chemistry of Cystine and Allied Compounds”
- Frederick B. LaForge, United States Department of Agriculture. “The Determination of the Structure Rotenone”
- Samuel M. McElvain, University of Wisconsin. “The Acetoacetic Ester Condensation”
- James F. Norris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The Measurements and Significance of Chemical Reactivity”
- L. Charles Raiford, State University of Iowa. “Formation of Benzoxazolene in the Attempt to Prepare Certain Mixed Diacyl Derivatives of o-Aminophenol”
- Ralph L. Shriner, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Asymmetric Syntheses Using Optically Active Nitrates”
- Lyndon F. Small, University of Virginia. “Recent Developments in Morphine Chemistry”
- Everett S. Wallis, Princeton University. “Molecular Rearrangements Involving Optically Active Radicals”
- Frank C. Whitmore, Pennsylvania State College. “The Mechanism of the Polymerization of Olefins”
Attendees: 274
4th National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 28-30, 1931 on the campus of Yale University in New Haven, CT
Symposium Organizer: Homer Adkins
Local Organizer: John J. Donleavy, Arthur J. Hill, James B. Conant, Howard J. Lucas, J. R. Bailey, L. F. Fieser, Reynold C. Fuson, G.R. Burns
- Roger Adams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Stereochemistry of Substituted Diphenyls”
- Homer B. Adkins, University of Wisconsin. “The Hydrogenation of Esters and Other Compounds over Copper-Chromium Oxide Catalysts “
- Marston T. Bogert, Columbia University. “Recent Progress in the Synthesis of Compounds Related to Isoprene”
- Hans T. Clarke, Columbia University. “Recent Advances in Biochemistry”
- Wallace H. Carothers, Du Pont & Co. “Some Reactions of Vinylacetylene and the Synthetic Rubber Problem”
- James B. Conant, Harvard University. “The Molecular Structure of Chlorophyll”
- Louis F. Fieser, Harvard University. “Organic Oxidation-Reduction Potentials”
- Reynold C. Fuson, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Ring Closures of Certain 1,4-Dihalogen Compounds”
- Henry Gilman, Iowa State College. “Some Recent Studies on Furfural and Derivatives”
- Claude S. Hudson, National Institute of Health, Washington, D. C. “Some Novel Substances of the Sugar Group”
- John Raven Johnson, Cornell University. “Rearrangements in Certain Triad Systems”
- Treat B. Johnson, Yale University. “Pyrimidine Glucosides”
- Phoebus A. T. Levene, Rockefeller Institute, New York City. “Chemical Structure and Optical Activity.”
- Carl S. Marvel, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “The Reactions of Certain Polyines”
- Thomas Midgley, Jr., Ethyl Gasoline Corporation, Worthington, Ohio. “The Structural Formula of Ebonite Derived from the Pyrolysis Products”
- Dean F. C. Whitmore, Pennsylvania State College. “Intramolecular Rearrangements”
Attendees: 356
For more information on the 4th NOS see:
Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. 1932 , 10(1) , 1.
3rd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 30, 1929, to January 1, 1930 at Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.
Symposium Executive Officer: F. B. Stewart
Local Organizers: A most active committee from the Princeton faculty and graduate group
- Marston T. Bogert, Columbia University. “The Organic Chemistry of the Musks”
- Wallace H. Carothers, Du Pont & Co. “Polymerization with Special Reference to the Polyesters”
- Reynold C. Fuson, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Recent Advances in Theoretical Organic Chemistry”
- Henry Gilman, Iowa State College. “Some Recent Studies on Organomagnesium Compounds”
- Moses Gomberg, University of Michigan. “Recent Studies with the Reagent Magnesium-Magnesium Iodide”
- Claude S. Hudson, U. S. Hygienic Laboratory, Washington, D. C. “The Ring Structures of the Sugars”
- Charles D. Hurd, Northwestern University. “Some New Aspects of the Chemistry of Allene and Ketene”
- Walter A. Jacobs, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. “Some Recent Developments in Structural Studies with the Cardiac Glucosides”
- Treat B. Johnson, Yale University. “The Development of a New Technique for the Preparation of Pyrimidine Nucleosides”
- Phoebus A. T. Levene, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. “Chemical Structure and Optical Activity”
- Carl S. Marvel, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Hexa-Substituted Ethanes Containing Acetylene Groups”
- E. Emmet Reid, The Johns Hopkins University. “Isomerism, Particularly as Illustrated in Several Groups of Octanols”
- Thomas Dale Stewart, University of California. “Induced Reactions of Organic Compounds”
- Hugh S. Taylor, Princeton University. “A Physical Chemist Looks at Organic Chemistry”
In addition to the reading and discussion of the above papers, several colloquia were held.
The topics and the committees in charge of each discussion group were as follows:
“The Mechanism of Organic Reactions”
M. L. Crossley, Chairman, Calco Chemical Co.; Harold Hibbert, Mcgill University; G A. Hill, Wesleyan University; T. D. Stewart, University of California
“The Teaching of Organic Chemistry”
F. B. Dains, Chairman, University of Kansas; E. E. Reid, The Johns Hopkins University; James B. Conant, Harvard University
“An Organic Experience Meeting”
L. F. Fieser, Chairman, Bryn Mawr College; Gregg Dogherty, Princeton University; L. I. Smith, University of Minnesota
Attendees: 394
For more information on the 3rd NOS see:
Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. 1930 , 8(1) , 8-9.
2nd National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 29-31, 1927 Columbus, OH
Symposium Executive Officer: William L. Evans
Local Organizers: C. E. Boord, Charles D. Hurd, secretary
- Roger Adams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Synthetic Compounds with Bactericidal Action, toward Satillus Leprae”
- Homer B. Adkins, University of Wisconsin. “Some Relations of Structure to the Reactivity and Affinity Manifested at Oxygen to Carbon Linkages and Carbon to Carbon Linkages”
- James B. Conant, Harvard University. “A Quantitative Study of Superacidity”
- Graham Edgar, Ethyl Gasoline Corporation. “The Preparation and Properties of the Isomeric Heptanes”
- Wm. Lloyd Evans, Ohio State University. “The Action of Copper Acetate Solutions on Glucose, Fructose and Galactose”
- Edward C. Franklin, Stanford University. “Hydrazoic Acid”
- Harry Shipley Fry, University of Cincinnati. “Observations on the Mechanism of the Oxidizing Action of the Alkali Hydroxides upon Carbon Compounds”
- Charles H. Herty, The Chemical Foundation. “The Status of the Organic Chemical Industries”
- Arthur J. Hill, Yale University. “Some Local Anesthetics of the Naphthalene Series”
- Claude S. Hudson, Bureau of Standards. “The Dependence of the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Monosaccharides upon Their Configurational Structures”
- Oliver Kamm, Parke Davis & Co. “The Active Principles of the Posterior Lobe of the Pituitary Gland”
- Edward Calvin Kendall, The Mayo Foundation. “The Oxidation-Reduction Potentials of Adrenaline and Related Compounds, and of Glutathione and Related Compounds.Factors Determining the Chemical Reactivity of These Substances”
- Julius A. Nieuwland, University of Notre Dame. “The Mechanism of Catalytic Reactions of Acetylene”
- James F. Norris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The Lability of Bonds in Organic Compounds as Determined by Their Rupture by Heat”
- Raemer Rex Renshaw, New York University. “On the Problem of Correlating Physiological Activity with Chemical and Physical Properties”
- Paul Walden, University of Rostock / George Fisher Baker Lecturer at Cornell University. “The Walden Inversion”
Attendees: 355
Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. 1928, 6, 1-4 and
Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. 1927, 5, 1
J. Chem. Educ. 1927 , 4 , 1454
1st National Organic Chemistry Symposium
December 29-31, 1925 in Rochester, N.Y.
Symposium Executive Officer: Marston T. Bogert
Local Organizer: W. R. Webb
- Roger Adams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. “Synthesis of dihydrohydrnocarpic acid, dihydrochaulmoogric acid and homologues of these acids”
- Homer B. Adkins, University of Wisconsin. “The causation of certain organic reactions at the surface of solids”
- Rudolph J. Anderson, NY Agricultural Experiment Station. “Sterols occurring in plant fats”
- Marston Taylor Bogert and coworkers, Columbia University. “Researches in the thiazole group”
- James B. Conant, Harvard University. “Certain new developments in the chemistry of free radicals”
- Edward C. Franklin, Stanford University. “Carboxyllic acid, carbazyllic acids, and carboxazyllic acids “
- Harry L. Fisher and A. E. Gray, B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio. “The chemical unsaturation of rubber under the action of heat, trichloroacetic acid, ultraviolet light, and mastication”
- W. Lee Lewis and Edwin Lyle. Gustus, American Institute of Meat Packers. “Dissociation in the methylated sugars”
- Arthur J. Hill and Raymond N. Evans, Yale University. “The directive effect of the phenol group in the preparation of ketone derivatives of b-naphthol”
- Wm. Lloyd Evans and George Preston Hoff, Ohio State University. “The action of alkalies on D-galactose”
- Treat B. Johnson, Yale University. “Synthesis of autoxidizable compounds of biochemical interest containing sulfur in thiopholypeptide combination”
- John Johnston, Yale University. “The melting curve as a criterion of purity of organic compounds”
- Lauder W. Jones, Princeton University. “New phases of the Beckmann Rearrangement”
- Morris Kharasch, University of Maryland. “Theory of partial polarity in the interpretation of organic reactions”
- Phoebus A. T. Levene, Rockefeller Institute. “Some configurational relationships”
- Julius A. Nieuwland, University of Notre Dame. “Acetylene reactions, mostly catalytic”
- James F. Norris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The opportunities for research in aliphatic chemistry”
- Charles S. Palmer, Yale University. “The preparation of arsonic acids”
- John L. Parsons, Hammermill Paper Company, Erie, PA. “The effect of oxidants on cellulose”
- E. Emmet Reid, Johns Hopkins University. “The oxidation of hydrocarbons by air at high temperature and pressure”
- Raemer Rex Renshaw, New York University. “The dissociation of -onium structure”
- Frank C. Whitmore, Northwestern University. “The action of organic halides with various types of bases”
- Louis E. Wise, Syracuse University – New York State College of Forestry. “The chemistry of wood cellulose”
Attendees: 175
For more information on the 1st NOS see:
J. Chem. Educ. 1925, 2, 926 and
J. Chem. Educ. 1926, 3, 165
Also, the Rush Rhees Library at the University of Rochester has a copy of the 1st NOS Program Book (call number: QD244.N27 1925) on file in their Rare Books Collection. A copy of the program book is posted here (180 pages, 12.4 Mb) with permission from
the Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester.