ACS Organic Division Brand
This page has the Organic Division Logo on it in various formats and it provides a set of rules and guidelines for using the Logo and other items related to publicity of the division.
Rules/Guidelines for use of the Logo
The DOC Logo cannot be used without the express permission of the Division. Persons presenting posters within the Organic Division’s sessions at ACS meetings do not need to acknowledge the division unless financial support was provided by the DOC for travel to the meeting or for the laboratory work (i.e. through the Travel Award or the SURF program).
All Sponsored Symposia must acknowledge the DOC and show the DOC Benefits slide (see below) whenever possible during the session (i.e. at the beginning of the session, intermission, withdraw talks, etc.).
The Logo Files, the DOC Benefits slide, and/or any other resources found on this page shall not be altered in any way including but not limited to adjusting colors, removing words, adding text or graphics to the designs, etc.
DOC Logo Files
DOC Logo Version 1

DOC Logo Version 2

GRS Logo Files
DOC Benefits Slides/Files
The Words “Division of Organic Chemistry” on the Logo are in Helvetica Bold
The Words “American Chemical Society” on the Logo are in Times Bold